Important Updates
Goose Lake Fire Department Multiyear Fund-Raising Project
Recycling & Waste Collection Guide
Republic Services provides the waste and recycling services. The link below will take you to the recycling and waste collection calendar for 2023.
Garbage Recycle Calendar 2024Safety Tip of the Month
March 2024
As you may be aware there has been much discussion regarding local fire districts. The Deep Creek township trustees along with Charlotte, Preston, Miles, and Goose Lake fire departments have agreed to changes to the district lines with a target date of January 1, 2025 for those changes to be implemented. The primary change is that Goose Lake will now be the primary fire department for the area from roughly 3 miles north of Goose Lake, to 160 th St to the south. From 350 th Ave to the west over to 400 th Ave to the east. This is roughly 20 square miles.
Additionally, in Sept the Fire Department will be audited by the Insurance Services Organization. This evaluation gives us a score referred to as “ISO”. This score is used to determine the rate you pay for your home owner’s insurance. Currently our score is a 7. We have made numerous additions of equipment, staffing, training, policies along with practices of frequent hydrant, hose, and truck pump testing since our last audit. We are extremely confident that these changes will result in a lower ISO score for us but we don’t know how far. We will notify everyone when we get our new score so that you can contact your insurance carrier to receive a rate re-evaluation.
Your Goose Lake Fire Department