Important Updates
Goose Lake Fire Department Multiyear Fund-Raising Project
Recycling & Waste Collection Guide
Republic Services provides the waste and recycling services. The link below will take you to the recycling and waste collection calendar for 2023.
Garbage Recycle Calendar 2024Safety Tip of the Month
September 2024
Fall is quickly approaching and with it comes dry lawns, dry corn and soybean fields and falling
leaves. The drier vegetation along with our desire to keep our lawns clean by raking and
burning leaves creates a combination for higher fire risk. So, here is your annual friendly
reminder to avoid burning leaves, sticks, or other items on windy days, always have a garden
hose nearby, and never ever leave your fire unattended.
When drier conditions become more extreme the county sometimes puts a burn ban in place.
When that happens we will place a red burn ban sign at the intersection of Main Street and
Jackson Blvd plus post it on our Facebook page.
The fire department recently had it’s 5 year insurance services evaluation and the evaluator
was impressed with how few of fire calls we have in our community. I explained that we stress
fire prevention and that monthly we put out little reminders and safety tips. I told him that our
community really does a great job using common sense and being safe and that the credit goes
to our citizens.
Have a safe fall!!!
Your Goose Lake Fire Department